
Group Fighting to Legalize Marijuana in Louisiana

'Medical marijuana is legal in 14 states, now a group right here in North Louisiana wants to legalize it here. A true believer in the drug calls pot a solution to his pain. Robert Delaney says pain has been just another part of his day since 2005. "When I am able to walk I can only do so with a cane or crutches,” said Robert Delaney. That’s when he injured his spine, making a wheelchair his main mode of transportation. "Spinal fusion surgery to correct the problem, unfortunately their surgery was a failure and then I go back in for a second surgery was a failure,” said Delaney. Delaney says the doctor's solution to his pain was legal prescription drugs. At one time he was on 37 different medications.'


  1. how do we get this thing started

  2. another statewide march in LA sept. 30, 2011 https://www.facebook.com/legalizelouisiana
