
PPnotTV: The Stoner Jesus Saturday Night Special 2/19/11

I was pretty wasted for the show tonight, a make-up for the show I missed Friday night. My GF, Skitzo, and Raven were in the studio and we were all drinking - among other things. We did some cool prank calls, and announced the SJ clit-piercing giveaway contest. It was nuts, and all live and uncensored.

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/19/11

- Stoner Jesus


The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show Week in Review

It was a crazy week on The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show, and if you missed anything, check out the podcasts below. There were only 4 shows this week since Stoner Jesus got sick on Friday - damn lepers - but have no fear, he will heal himself over the weekend on return on Monday at 7pm EST.

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/14/11
Valentine's Day prank calls 

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/15/11
Weed news and "Retro Stoner Jesus" clips, plus O.J. gets a beat-down in jail

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/16/11
Odd news and a trip down memory lane with Stoner Jesus

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/17/11
More "Retro SJ" clips plus SJ teaches the kids math in a "Home Schooling" segment 

As always, the show was full of great underground music and your live phone calls. It happens 5 nights a week, all live and uncensored. If you want to contact the show, hit them up stonerjesus420@gmail.com. 


PPnotTV: The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/16/11

Fun show tonight, went down memory lane with Stoner Jesus, played some great music, we covered some odd stories in the news, and Dave from The 420 Times called in. We are here Monday thru Friday at 7pm EST, join us and be part of the fun.

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/16/11

- Stoner Jesus

Reasons to Keep Weed Illegal!


PPnotTV: The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/15/11

Interesting show tonight, had some phone callers including Vince in The Bay. Played some awesome tunes, talked about weed news, played "Retro Stoner Jesus" clips about Oscar Hippie Butter and Stoner Jesus Pickup Lines, and broke the news about O.J. Simpson getting his ass whipped in jail. We are here M-F at 7pm EST and you can contact the show at stonerjesus420@gmail.com.

The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/15/11

- Stoner Jesus

The Stoned Plumber's Plea for Kids

The Jodie Emery Show - February 3, 2011


PPnotTV: The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/14/11

Tonight's show was the Valentine's Day edition, and we did a lot of live prank calls, and one toward the end of the show was awesome. We also did This Day in Stoner History, played some great music, and talked to some listeners on the phone. Check it out and tell your friends.

 The Stoner Jesus Internet Radio Show 2/14/11

-Stoner Jesus

Blue Berry Surprise