As I mention in the about section, I write for - - and Here's a list of links to my most recent original stuff elsewhere (marijuana-related):
I am now the full-time blogger at The 420 Times; see all my posts here.
Blogs and Articles:
Marijuana “Addiction” (The Cannabis Post)
Marijuana Eradication Ain’t What it Used to Be (The Cannabis Post)
Closet Stoners (HT)
Free Marc Emery? Yes We Can (HT)
The Marc Emery Movement (Cannabis Post)
The End of The Road for The “Prince of Pot?” (HT)
Marijuana and Dogs are More Dangerous than Assault Rifles...Duh! (HT)
Burning Plants (HT)
Worldwide Marijuana March - May 1, 2010 (HT)
Writing for High Times…(HMJ)
4-20-10 Coverage (HT)
What Does 4/20 Mean to You? (HT)