
Scandal at MPP

HIGH TIMES: Scandal at The Marijuana Policy Project

'As part of an ongoing investigation, HIGH TIMES magazine has confirmed that at least seven full-time staff members of the Washington, DC based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) have quit their jobs in protest of an alleged incident of sexual misconduct by MPP Executive Director Rob Kampia, which took place following an informal staff “happy hour” in August of 2009.'

Marijuana Should be Legal

MPP: At least according to the new UK Drug Adviser

Gateway Pot

HAIL MARY JANE: Pot’s Only a Gateway to Good Times

Adrianne Curry Defends Kampia

CELEBSTONER: 'In several tweets sent to CelebStoner, Marijuana Policy Project Advisory Board member Adrianne Curry says embattled MPP executive director Rob Kampia "has always been completely professional @ every event i went2 w/him. even the private ones, he has his game face on."'

FL: Drug Czar Cries Wolf Over Marijuana

NORML: NORML’s Reefer Madness Du Jour: Florida Drug Czar Cries Wolf Over Medical Cannabis

'It is hard to know which is worse, ignorance or dishonesty?'

VA: Considers Decriminalizing Marijuana

CANNABIS CULTURE: Virginia Legislature Considers Decriminalizing Marijuana

'Passage of HB 1134 would spare minor marijuana offenders from criminal arrest and incarceration, as well as the emotional and financial hardships that follow. The measure would allow also law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts to re-allocate their existing resources toward activities that will more effectively target serious criminal behavior and keep the public safe.'

Weeding in Seattle

'Seattle's new city attorney is dismissing all marijuana-possession cases, starting with those that were already under way under the old city attorney.

City Attorney Pete Holmes, who beat incumbent Tom Carr in November, said he dismissed two marijuana-related cases in his first day on the job, and several others are about to be dismissed.

In addition, his new criminal division chief, Craig Sims, said he is reviewing about 50 more cases. Unless there are "out of the ordinary circumstances," Sims said, the office doesn't intend to file charges for marijuana possession.'

Medical Marijuana Business

'BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - Medical marijuana dispensaries have cropped up so fast in Boulder that city officials say they may be reaching the saturation point.'

Cannabis Cartoon

'Are you looking for a beating, blackey?'

Cannabis Club Owner Arrested

'CHICO — The owner and founder of a Butte County medical marijuana collective was arrested Friday evening on suspicion of illegally selling marijuana.'

Don't trade weed for crap on Craigslist...weed is better.

Wife Recalls Medical Marijuana Fight

'On her deathbed in 2003, Cheryl Miller made her husband James promise her that he would not give up their fight to have the use of marijuana for medical purposes legalized.'

An inspiring story.

Marijuana Panel Holds Last Meeting

Augusta, ME: Panel on medical marijuana holds last meeting

'(AP) — AUGUSTA, Maine - A panel seeking to fix problems in Maine's newly expanded medical marijuana law has held its final meeting and will now forward recommendations to Gov. John Baldacci.'

Police Find 50 Pounds of Weed

Dalton, GA: Police Find 50 Pounds of Marijuana

'DALTON, GA (WRCB)--Dalton Police Department arrested four-men and seized approximately 50 pounds of marijuana and 2 ounces of methamphetamine ice on Thursday night after performing a traffic stop on I-75.'