
Update on Sponsors 5: Monster Ads

The Pothead Pundit has received more than 42,000 page views over the last 30 days, with over 21,000 unique visitors. Full stats can be seen by clicking the web site stats link in the right column.

To place an ad on this blog, email me at stonerwire420@yahoo.com. I'm going to start rotating the ads every month, since there is limited space in the right column. Rotation will start April 1st. Here's a breakdown of ad space:

Monster ads (like Infamytv.com ad) are $3 a month and will rotate at top of right column with other $3 ads.

Also for $3 a month, you can get a 460x88 banner at top-center of the blog (no rotation).

For $2 a month, you can get any size ad, but it will go below $3 ads in right column (like Infamytv.com promotions ad).

The sponsored links that go below the $2 ads are only $1 a month.

Note: Right column ad rotation will be set up as this: the bottom $3 ad will go up top in the next month, and the rest will move down a space, and so on every month.

Plus all sponsors get promotion on my twitter free of charge.

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