
'KopBusters' Couple Lose Son Over Misdemeanor Pot Charge

CANNABIS CULTURE: 'KopBusters' Couple Lose Son Over Misdemeanor Pot Charge

'Barry and Candi Cooper, a married duo well-known in the world of drug reform activism, have temporarily lost custody of Candi’s youngest child due to misdemeanor charges stemming from a recent “KopBusters” sting operation against a police officer in Williamson County, Texas.'


  1. wow, are you kidding me??? what the hell did that lil sick boy have to do with anything? fuckin power hungry lil piggys

  2. I pray they get custody of their son because you dont want a child in foster care and becoming a victim of the system over mother nature! Heartbreaking news.

  3. this cuts me deep. I cannot believe the openly political attack on kopbusters by these corrupted pigs.

  4. thats bullshit! using a little kid as pawn without regard to his feelings. some type of justice system we have. abusing powers for their own political agenda. too much big brother if you ask me..
