
How Young is Too Young for Medical Marijuana?

'With more than 1,000 people a day applying to be placed on the Colorado medical marijuana registry, the chances of a few of those applicants being under the age of 21 are a distinct possibility. Two Colorado lawmakers want to close that window.'


  1. What do you mean close the window? Do you mean "close the window of opportunity" to everyone or just the 2% who are under 21? what about those who are over 21? Lastly sir; who are the two lawmakers? oh yes and is the window double pained? Do single pain windows exist in Colorado?

  2. I think that in order to receive a Medical Marijuana Prescription you can be any age. If its properly used for that specific medical purpose. Like that kid who eats Weed Food to help him with his autism and sht. So for medical it depends on the condition. But for like legally as in recreational, then 18 years old or 21. But definately 18 cuz kids at that age are for sure more mature then 16 year old kids, so the government needs to fuck off and stop treating us all like little kids. RON PAUL 2012! END THE FED! JUDGE PAULTIANO! TOKIN DAILY TILL THE DAY I FUCKING DIE!!! peace and pot fam :D 420

  3. like it even matters what the laws are. if my kid has a bad day i would give him or her some cannabis regardless of age. who cares who agrees with anyone, just live your life and experience as much as you can. no point in a kid getting stressed over dumb shit. its like smoke this, and there like, why did i even get upset? by the time they smoked for a year there grades improved and they seemed alot happier in life. peace and pot.

  4. stupid law , i wonder how many pregnant mothers enjoyed a little mj ? , mj has never hurt anyone. i know 68 mothers that may have enjoyed a little mj while pregnant and guess what government their kids are all fine , thank you miss THC . thank you ...
