
What Do Cops Do With Confiscated Marijuana?

THE WEED BLOG: What Do Cops Do With Confiscated Marijuana?

'I read a great article today that highlights the process behind confiscated marijuana (see link). Although it is a sad story to read about, it also answered a lot of questions that people have. I vividly remember when I was a teenager, watching a news broadcast of the cops burning huge piles of confiscated weed, and thinking ‘I wish I was the guy standing next to that pile.’'


  1. no mary jane come back to me

  2. Damn thats Fucked up to just waste Sum good weed by throwin it in ah fire!?huh?Tha police should shve throwin them selfs in tha fire before tha weed?!

  3. WHAT this is news to me i never new they did that damn cops are stupid i know i would be the cop closest to the fire ahhh
