
Medical Marijuana Gaining Support in N.C.

'State lawmakers could vote on a bill legalizing marijuana for medical purposes this spring.'


  1. I pray that the officials in Raleigh will make medical marijuana available soon. I realize that even if it passes it will take a court case to get it truly passed. Here in NC most of the docs will not recommend it regardless of whether or not it is legal. They are too scared of DEA tactics. I mean the DEA has them scared of loosing their licenses for prescribing pain meds.
    The only way to get it truly passed is to curtail the DEA PERIOD. The agency was formed by the Nixon administration (I think) and it's time has passed. No one can think of a reason that this organization should still exist. If you make drugs legal, then the profit from illegal organizations is GONE, plus the taxes from potential sales can help the economy. I AM FOR ACROSS THE BOARD LEGALIZATION OF ALL DRUGS. If you can serve in the military you can decide whether or not you can use.
