
If You Don't Care Whether Pot is Legal: Read This

EMERALD HERB: If You Don't Care Whether Pot is Legal: Read This

'If you don't care about pot, at least care about someone else's quality of of life that you are limiting. Think about the people that drives to drink, or become addicted to pain pills with severe side-effects and withdrawals that are bone crippling. Do you not care about that either? Do you like your ibuprofen or advil, 4 at a time - 3 times a day? Do you know how many people that kills per year? More than pot.'


  1. leave it up to a pothead to make a claim without presenting the facts or research.. what is the fox news for potheads.

  2. Leave it up to a dickhead to leave some stupid anonymous comment.

  3. What isn't factual about stating we are driving people to drink, or abusing legal "pain relievers" that do more damage than pot does?

    over 85,000 deaths from alcohol per year. Over
    7600 deaths from Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin.

    0 deaths from marijuana.

    Thanks for the link love Joe
