
Of Course, It's Marijuana!

CELEBSTONER: Of Course, It's Marijuana!

'A lone pot plant growing in New York's Union Square Park has become the subject of intense debate.'

1 comment:

  1. I am prescribed Marinol for HIV/AIDS here in New York state. It's a pharmaceutical made drug (synthetic) and is pure THC mixed with some seame seed oil. Why am allowed THC this way, but not allowed to grow my own plants to harvest THC for cooking from plant material? Marinol is like $1,200.00 a month for my script, I could grow my own THC equivalent for $25/month (free if grown in back yard garden)! This is not fair, its forcing me to overpay for my medicine!

    Salicylic acid can be obtained from the Willow tree (bark contains ). Am I not allowed to grow a Willow tree (to make tea from) as it may interfere with Aspirin's business?

    It just does not make any sense I am allowed to have have expensive synthetic THC, but not allowed to have almost free natural THC I can grow myself.
