
The Pentagon Shooter and Medical Marijuana

'The death of John Patrick Bedell, the 36-year-old man shot and killed by Pentagon police officers after he opened fire on them March 4, is a tragedy. It might have been avoided if Bedell had received timely and effective treatment for his obviously serious mental illness. The fact that he did not is a cause for soul-searching by all of us. Advocates of “medical marijuana” should be especially chastened.'

Let me get this straight. He took medical marijuana, and at some point in his life he wigged out and started shooting up the Pentagon? So it's our fault?

Pardon my French, but are you fucking kidding me? That's like saying carrots cause cancer. Most people with cancer have consumed carrots in their lifetime. Does that mean there is a correlation between cancer and carrots?

Of course not. It's the same as the gateway drug theory, just because someone smoked weed, it doesn't mean it led to all the bad decisions they ever made in their lives. This dude was nuts; weed can't cure everything.

1 comment:

  1. yes, i agree with theconservativepothead. Why an accident has to be a myth. Not evry principle applies evrywhere. Likewise, if one thing happens it wont lead to another in the same manner.

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