
Sheriff Lee Baca Testifies on Marijuana Legalization

1 comment:

  1. How much is the alcohol,tobacco and big pharma paying this guy to come up with these lies. When he brought out the race card, he opened himself up to a big whoopass, shitkicking as far as prohibition. Blacks are over represented in the jail system. The reason why the white males in that age group are getting the medicine is they can afford to pay for the fees to see the doctor. Some people can not afford to even see a doctor in America. That is a fact. I am getting sick and tired of his bullshit about the stores being illegal. The courts have decided that they have the right to get their costs to do business back. I have another question, how do the people like me who have HIV, who can't even get out of bed sometimes, how are they supposed to get their medicine? Also I take great offense at you first off discounting the hundreds off illnesses this medicine can treat SAFELY and at the same time attacking the people wanting to legalize it. Can we safely say your testimony is highly suspect when your main goal is to keep your police (courts & prisons too) budgets at these all time maximums (which is bankrupting the states)at the expense of sick people and a huge set of recreational users who use responsibly. These are harmless,victimless "crimes" that the sane people of the state want the freedom to do. There is NO justification around harm when you have tobacco and alcohol, two of the worst and dangerous drugs known to man are legal to buy over the counter. The research has been done. Cannabis is safer than ANY legal drug! Sane people want to make that choice to use a safer substance. I am disgusted with your lies!
