
Federal Medical Marijuana Raids in Colorado -- Is the Denver DEA Going Rogue?

STOP THE DRUG WAR: Feature: Federal Medical Marijuana Raids in Colorado -- Is the Denver DEA Going Rogue?

'Colorado's burgeoning medical marijuana community is up in arms after a series of DEA raids in recent weeks. First, DEA agents hit medical marijuana laboratories in Denver and Colorado Springs that tested for THC levels and contaminants such as mold. Then, late last week, DEA agents raided and arrested Highland Park medical marijuana grower Chris Bartkowicz after he appeared in local media talking about his grow operation.'

1 comment:

  1. Please join the national day of protest againt the illegal raids by the DEA on medical marijuana.

    March 26th 12 noon to 2:00pm
    At your local court house

    In San Diego 940 Front St. downtown
    federal court house

    It is time to come out of the canabis closet.
    We must let the government know we want our rights.
